If you’re moving into a new home all by yourself, it’s only your wants and needs that you need to consider before choosing the right space for you. But if you’re bringing a pet along with you, especially one like a dog or cat, you’ll want to be sure that the home you choose to live in together fits the needs of everyone involved.
To help you buy the right home for you and your treasured animal, here are three things to look for in a dog-friendly home.
Consider The Location And Traffic Patterns
There’s a lot about a home that you can change. However, one thing that you can’t change is the location of the home you buy and the neighborhood in which the home resides.
As far as getting a home that’s going to be best for your dog, Becky Blanton, a contributor to Homes.com, recommends that you try to find a home that isn’t located on a busy street. In the event that your dog should get out of your home or yard, you don’t want them to be immediately running into heavy traffic. Rather, if you live on a quiet street or, better yet, in a cul-de-sac, your dog will be much safer should he or she escape from the safety of your property.
Look For The Right Flooring
To maintain the qualities and integrity of your home, you’ll want to pick furnishing and finishing that won’t be easily marred by having your pet in the home. For most people, the most obvious concern is the flooring.
According to Leanne Potts, a contributor to HGTV.com, the best option for flooring when you have a dog or other pets is tile. This flooring is easy to clean, hard to destroy, and won’t soak up any spills or messes that your dog makes. While you can make due with carpeting or another type of hard flooring, you should try to find a home that already has something like tile already in place.
Adequate Outdoor Space
Regardless of the breed or size of your dog, it’s good for them to have safe outdoor space where they can run around and get some exercise.
Knowing this, Tabitha Sukhai, a contributor to This Old House, suggests that you look for a home that has a fully fenced yard if you’re planning on moving in with your dog. Fences that fully enclose a back or front yard will ensure that your pooch stays in a safe area when outside and that no one will gain access to him or her without your knowledge.
If you’re going to buy a new home soon and you’ll be bring your dog or another pet with you, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find a pet-friendly house.
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