If you or a loved one is elderly or has any type of physical disability, it may be difficult to find hobbies or activities to partake in that you can physically do. Many elderly people are not as spry as they once were, and can no longer play the sports they used to like playing. Sometimes even just walking can be extremely difficult. In addition to this, one thing many people realize when they reach retirement age is that they suddenly have a lot of free time to fill up and they don’t know what to fill it with!
Here are 5 hobbies that are great for those who are older or physically disabled.
Puzzles of any sort are great for elderly folks, but especially traditional jigsaw puzzles because you can do them while sitting down in a chair and you can work on them as much or as little as you want to each day, and leave them to finish later. Puzzles come in all different shapes, sizes, and difficulty levels so pick one out with a photo or image of something you’re or your loved one will enjoy! They are very popular at assisted living communities for a reason.
If you had grandparents around growing up, you may remember them always making the best baked goods! Baking is a fun and relaxing hobby that many people don’t get into until retirement because it can be time consuming. But nothing beats tasting something delicious that you made from scratch and sharing it with the people you love. Many baking tasks can be modified so that you can sit while doing them, and there are breaks in between so that you can rest. Just make sure to set a timer so as not to burn anything!
Reading is the perfect hobby for anyone who is physically disabled or unable to move around as well as they could when they were younger. It’s especially great for older people because it helps to keep the mind sharp. There are books out there for all sorts of interests, and you can do it in small spurts or go on long binges and finish an entire book in a day! And it can all be done sitting or lying down, no problem.
A lot of older people, retired people, and disabled people get into knitting because they need something to do, and end up loving it! It can be a really fulfilling hobby because you get to make things for people you love and give them as gifts. One of the best parts about knitting is that you can do it while watching television or having a conversation, and it’s easy to take with you anywhere you go!
Don’t let retirement or disability get in the way of your personal happiness. There are plenty of hobbies out there that you haven’t even tried yet but will probably love!
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