Anyone living in the sandwich generation and juggling raising kids while worrying about older parents understands the challenges that can come from caring for an elderly parent. Whether you’re a new parent or launching adult children, odds are that you often consider ways you’ll care for your senior loved ones. If you’re looking to find […]
Getting Your Child to Deplug — Activities to Keep Your Child Off Their Phone
Things have changed a lot since you were a kid. While you probably spent most of your free time playing outside, riding your bike to a friend’s house and exploring your neighborhood, today’s kids are spending an average of 53 hours per week glued to their electronic devices. Yes — you read that right. According […]
Basic Home Safety Tips Every Child Should Be Taught
When you have kids, you can’t expect them to know everything you know immediately. They have to grow up, learn to process their world, and listen to what you tell them as far as keeping themselves safe and healthy. Six or seven years old isn’t too young to start learning about home safety. After all, […]
3 Tips For Better Management Of Your Family’s Busy Schedule
With school starting once again for many families, family schedules are about to get busier than ever. But if you already have a busy schedule yourself, it can be hard to keep track of all you’re doing and ensure that your kids and partner also have the help and support they need as well. To […]
Five Cold-Weather Outdoor Activities For Kids & Parents
With Winter drawing closer it may be hard to think of outdoor activities that the whole family can enjoy on these dreary days. Just because it isn’t 30 degrees and clear skies doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors playing the same board game for the 6th day in a row, there are still many […]
What Are the Signs of a Good Child Care Service
As we pass through 2021, we see offices are opening and that we are more likely to return to our offices, which is causing many parents to seek high-quality child care services, such as Wee Watch. When it comes to choosing a child center for children, one can get easily confused about which care center […]